So this is interesting from Kireth YouTube channel. Check out the interview of why Fanatec is so screwed up ATM.
No keep in mind Thomas says they would have rather waited to release the DD+ if they had known the issues with the store beforehand to not upset the customers. In the end, this costs Fanatec much more money he says.
So they released the DD+ PS5 version so people can make a choice which is a good move. However FF to Feb 2024 when most pre-orders are not filled from Nov 2023 Fanatec drops yet another DD+ deal that is package with a new 7 rim. Much better rim than the old one.
What is wrong with Fanatec is the lack of transparency. It's ok to continue bringing new deals to the market, however, mention this when you release a product such as the DD+. There may be some that would wait for the newly designed wheel rim and others that don't care. But at least customers feel empowered to make a formative decision upfront.