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Check out some of my game play of the newly released Formula Truck 2013 on Steam. Now this isn't new to the market, but is new to Steam along with Game Stock Car coming soon to Steam.
Now if you are a existing customer to Formula Truck 2013 you can get a free Steam key to transfer over to the Steam network.
First Impressions:
Formula Truck 2013 recreates the 2013 season with 26 different trucks and drivers racing on 14 tracks. This is a very exciting racing sim that brings you into the world of Big Rig racing and reproduces the feeling of racing a 5 ton rig with up to 1200 hp. These rigs handle like a huge truck duh!, but surprisingly you can make these 5 ton big boys turn and drift! With 1200 hp on tap these big trucks have no problem getting down the track fast unlike any rig I have seen! I found that the tracks you race on have a good flow to utilize the big trucks heft and lack of turning ability in tight turns. These flowing curves offer a good balance of speed and drifting thru them along with some side by side action.
The graphics are on par with most sim racing titles these days. That's not saying they are blow you out of the water good nor are they bad. They are just ehhh good enough to have fun. They are not up to the quality of Project Cars, Assetto Corsa or iRacing, but they look along the lines of RaceRoom and Rfactor 2. You would like to see more detail, but don't worry about it so much because you get immersed into the racing so easily. I would imagine the graphics will improve with updates.
Ok, ok, it's a huge freaking truck, but it is surprising to me that I can make it turn with some suspension tuning. The physics engine provides me with enough feedback to let me figure out what's going on under this 5 ton rig. These are not laser scanned tracks, but do offer bump steer moments and curb feel and off track feedback along with collisions with other rigs. You downshift to soon and expect the truck to surprisingly spin around on you, but if you downshift at the threshold and you get a nice reward of feeling the truck stutter and step out just slightly to the point you can recover a slide and make you feel the truck is alive! This is really a brilliant racing sim that allows you to really feel the weight of the trucks. You will have to start stopping early to adjust for the weight and you will learn to steer with the throttle to get the truck to turn better. It's just a blast to play!
There is 14 tracks and 18 different combos. These are not laser scanned, but are recreated beautifully offering many challenges during your racing season. You have 26 trucks to choose from that offer different feelings. Some are heavier, some lighter, some more or less horsepower, but you can customize them all with suspension setups, tires, transmission and brakes to get you around the track the way you want to drive. Along with these setting you have controls for traction control, stability control, anti-lock brakes, steering help, braking help and spin recovery, You can turn so much on that even your grandparents can drive it.
This sim runs it all it seems. I didn't have my plugins up and running yet, but later found this titles works great with my Sim Instruments dash and Fanaleds. It also supports the major sim racing wheels and works great with my Fanatec Clubsport wheel, Clubsport V1 pedals and Clubsport shifter along with my DSD button boxes and Track iR head tracking device. However I was not able to get my Sim Xperence to run with it yet although Sim Xperence does support Game Stock Car.
If your a simulation racing fan then Get the game! It worth $19.99 for sure and brings you a different experience other sims do not and that's racing 5 tons of truck with 1200 hp! Heck Yeah!!
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